
Canadian Corner

Grammar Central

Crazy English

Terrible Teacher

Flashed ESL

American Stories


This area is meant to be used by entry levels of ESL classes at this point. More advanced students should try "Crazy English" or the "Terrible teacher" to work on their English skills.
  1. Contractions
  2. Person
  3. Pronoun
  4. Noun or pronoun
  5. Noun or verb
  6. Verb "to be"
  7. Negative of verb "to be"
  8. To have
  9. To have negative
  10. (Plurals) number
  11. Plurals more
  12. Plurals irregular "O"
  13. Plurals irregular "f -> ves"
  14. Plurals really irregular
  15. Plurals borrowed
  16. Plurals - no singular form
  17. Question form "to be"
  18. Simple present tense
  19. Question form present
  20. Simple future tense
  1. Regular past verbs
  2. Irregular verbs I "A-B"
  3. Irregular verbs II "C-E"
  4. Irregular verbs III "F-H"
  5. Irregular verbs IV "K-M"
  6. Irregular verbs V "P-S"
  7. Irregular verbs VI "S-S"
  8. Irregular verbs VII "T-Z"
  9. Confusing words I
  10. Confusing words II
  11. Opposites I
  12. Articles I
  13. Question forms "there is/are"
  14. Object pronouns
  15. Possessive adjectives
  16. Past of verb "to be"
  17. Past negative "to be"
  18. Past of "to have"
  19. There is, there are
  20. Negative "there is/are"

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