
Canadian Corner

Grammar Central

Crazy English

Terrible Teacher

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American Stories

A noun is a person, place or thing.

  Tom (person)
  girl (person)
  Africa (place)
  school (place)
  pencil (thing)
  computer (thing)

A verb is a word that shows action.
Some verbs are: run, talk, walk, sleep, jump, ride, drive

Verb usually follow a noun or pronoun.

  John walks
  Betty sleeps
  I walk
  drivers drive
  horses jump
  they ride
  people talk
  girls run

Some examples:

(noun or pronoun) verb
Bill jumps into the water.
He talks to his mother.
Tara writes quickly.
Terry and Robert walk to school.
A mouse eats cheese.
Your mother cooks supper.
Tom loves to eat rice cakes.


Click the box beside each verb.

1.   run
2.   jump
3.   her
4.   eat
5.   write
6.   it
7.   walk
8.   talk
9.   he
10.  Tom

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