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A number of American English words end in and in -our in British English. Americans have had a tendency to remove the "u" from "our." Some words in American English end with "er" while the same words in British English end with "re."

Example 1: COLOR, COLOUR
A property by which the eyes can distinguish objects.

UK: I love that colour.
US: The sky is a beautiful color today.

Is the following British or American? (answer below)

1.   They just bought a color television.

Example 2: HONOR, HONOUR
Special respect or high regard for someone or something.

UK: The Queen conducts herself with honour.
US: He hopes to be remembered for his honor during his term as president.

Is the following British or American? (answer below)

2.   The children honour the memory of their mother.

Example 3: LABOR, LABOUR
A form of work that usually involves physical work.

UK: Without a degree, he is only qualified for labour jobs.
US: White collar workers do not work as hard as laborers.

Is the following British or American? (answer below)

3.   There are several unions that represent laborers.

Example 4: HUMOR, HUMOUR
The quality of being comical or amusing.

UK: He has a good sense of humour.
US: She has a good sense of humor.

Is the following British or American? (answer below)

4.   Tom loves the humour in Jerry Lewis movies.

A building, room or outdoor area used to show a movie or present a play.

UK: London has many theatres.
US: Toronto has many theaters.

Is the following British or American? (answer below)

5.   The actor is on his way to the theatre.

The middle point of something.

UK: I tried to find you in the centre of town.
US: I tried to find you in the center of town.

Is the following British or American? (answer below)

6.   The shopping center is closed on Sunday.
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      1.     American

      2.     British

      3.     American

      4.     British

      5.     British

      6.     American

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