Student Code of Conduct
The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct is to define responsibilities of all LINC Home Study students. LINC Home Study offers a safe, inclusive and supportive atmosphere for learning. By participating in the program, each student agrees to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct.

To be successful in the LINC Home Study program, all students need to:
- Attend weekly class with the instructor.
- Study at least 5 hours each week.
- Do homework and submit assignments on time.
In addition all students must:
- Notify the instructor if class will be missed, contact information changes or Canadian citizenship is obtained.
- Avoid plagiarizing and submitting another person's work.
- Be courteous and polite at all times, including in electronic mail exchanges.
- Demonstrate honesty and integrity.
- Respect differences in people, including their ideas and opinions.
- Treat one another with respect and dignity.
- Show consideration for the rights of others.
- Respect the personal information and privacy of others.
- Be responsible for personal hardware and software which may interfere with program participation.
- Respect the security, integrity and ownership of online systems and networks.
- Minimize outside interruptions (family, pets, household noise, etc.), during weekly class.
- Attend video calls fully clothed.
Prohibited behaviours:
- Failure to complete homework or submit assignments on time on a routine basis.
- Missing class on a routine basis.
- Reporting to the program while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Discourtesy, rudeness or abusive language towards another participant, staff member or volunteer.
- Using, sending, displaying or sharing any words or imagery that is hostile, insulting to others, obscene, threatening, or otherwise offensive.
- Discussing in any open forum information that is critical of another participant, staff member or volunteer.
- Harassment of another participant, staff member or volunteer.
- Actual or threatened violence toward any individual or group.
- Engaging in conduct injurious to the physical or mental well-being of another participant, staff member or volunteer.
- Misrepresenting an identity or assuming the identity of another, such as using login credentials other than those specifically assigned.
- Creating a disturbance which interferes with the proceeding of the program or any learning environment.
- Recording a class without the consent of all parties involved.
- Failure to follow any of the program's policy or procedure.
Students can expect that:
- Appropriate and progressive discipline will result when program rules and procedures are violated.
- It is the responsibility of the program staff and administration to make decisions about discipline.
- Violation of the Student Code of Conduct can result in being suspended, removed, and/or expelled from the program, and/or be subject to other disciplinary action or referral to law enforcement or other officials.
By participating in the LINC Home Study program, students agree to abide by this Code and understand that violations of this Code will be addressed. If students feel that their rights have been violated by another participant, staff member or volunteer of the LINC Home Study program, they should contact the program manager.