Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
A list of the most frequently asked questions.

How long before I can get the certificate?
You require a minimum of three months of regular attendance and benchmark levels confirmed by your teacher prior to requesting a benchmark certificate. The request for certificate can be done by contacting the office directly or through your teacher.
Do you have to use Skype for the weekly class?
No, using Skype is not a requirement. You can use Skype if both you and your teacher are confident in using it. Otherwise, your weekly calls will take place by phone.
Can I study with a textbook and the LMS at the same time?
No, you can’t choose to study by correspondence and online at the same time. Students with access to and confidence in using a computer with high speed internet connection can study online. The textbook option is suitable for students without reliable access to a computer with a high speed internet connection or lacking computer literacy.
When do I get my textbook?
You receive the textbook after three successful conversations with your teacher. The book is sent via ICS Courier in most cases. Occasionally the book is sent by Canada Post. Students who live in Mississauga are asked to collect their books from the LINC Home Study office.
Can I change teachers?
You’ll be transferred to another teacher if there’s a change in your availability or benchmark levels that your current teacher can’t accommodate.
Can I study with the same teacher when I change levels?
If your current teacher doesn’t teach your new benchmark levels, you will be transferred to another teacher.
Does LINC Home Study offer Citizenship preparation classes?
No, LINC Home Study does not offer citizenship prep classes. However, the program will help you learn more about Canada. The topic of citizenship can be included in your lessons if you share this goal with your teacher.
Does LINC Home Study offer IELTS prep?
No, LINC Home Study does not offer IELTS preparation classes. LINC Home Study provides instruction based on the Canadian Language Benchmark standards. To learn more about IELTS compared to Canadian Language Benchmarks, visit this page:
How can I change how my name appears in the LINC Home Study program?
The LINC Home Study program uses your legal name as documented through the Language Assessment Centre. If you need to update your legal name, you must contact your local Language Assessment Centre and provide them with appropriate documentation showing your name change. The Assessment Centre will make the change in their database. Then, the LINC Home Study office can update your name in our Learning Management System.
Can I access my Learning Management System account after I graduate or withdraw?
No, your access to the Learning Management System is deactivated once you withdraw or graduate from the program. You will no longer have access to the Learning Management System.
Can I apply to a University or College program with my benchmark certificate from LINC Home Study?
The LINC Home Study office is not responsible for investigating, understanding or validating the evidence of language proficiency required by third party institutions. You are responsible for dealing directly with these institutions and meeting their requirements. You may find useful information on this site:
Does a LINC certificate have an expiry date?
No, LINC certificates never expire.
How long does it take to complete one level?
The time to increase a benchmark level depends on many variables including the time and effort that you put into your studies. But most of the students in the program for six months or more, increase by at least one benchmark.