Winter 2015


ferret sleeping on a blanket

Currently when we hear the word - pet, we imagine cats or dogs. But I want to tell about animals, who lives with human for 2500 years. These are Ferrets. This is small, fast and cute predator.

Ferrets belong to the mustelidae family. The mustelid family includes ferrets, polecats, weasels, ermines, minks and ets. By the way, Toronto peoples can often observe wild American mink on the shores of Ontario lakes only ferrets became domestic pets. First time, people used ferrets to hunt rabbits. At that time, they were more popular than cats as they were used against mice and rats. All know famous picture “Lady with an Ermine” Leonardo da Vinci. But some researchers claim that the picture drew not an Ermine but a ferret, Albino Ferret and I agree with that. I don’t think, lady has a wild ermine in her hands. I think this is domestic Ferret.

Ferrets are nocturnal animals. They can sleep for 20 hours a day. The rest of the time they are very active animals. They are very curious and sociable. Collecting and hiding some things is their favorite play. You will have a lot of fun interacting with ferrets.

But you must remember, ferrets are exotic animals. They require a massive commitment, they are not good for most children or busy adults as pets. Do your research before bringing one home.