Winter 2015


The famous Gooderham building and the skyscrapers, Toronto

Toronto became the new home for our family, who fled the war in Ukraine. I believe that over time, things will only improve in Canada, as educated and good-natured people are growing here, ready to give their warmth and hospitality to others. My whole family would like to stay in Canada and cannot imagine another country where everything would be as good for its residents.

I was impressed by the convenience of recreational facilities for Canadians, the number of bike paths throughout the city, beaches with lifeguards, free sunscreen, parks with barbecue areas and public restrooms.

Canadian friends helped us register for the program on the website https://Efun.toronto.ca/. My son has been playing soccer and basketball at one of the community centres since we moved in and he would like the program to include more than one lesson per week. But the best thing for us was that in the summer children could be enrolled on the same website for free children's summer camps, where they could usefully spend time until 3 pm. Last summer children from my son’s camps went to the pool, went on excursions, walked, played and developed, communicated with peers, and did not sit at home at the computer or with other gadgets. These camps gave my husband and me a fantastic opportunity to work without worrying about our son, and gave my son the language skills that he needed to succeed in school after summer holidays.

In Toronto we visited many museums and interesting places. When I went to the Royal Ontario Museum with friends, I recognize that I need to go there at least 10 times to carefully examine everything. My family has also enjoyed the natural creation of Niagara Falls twice.

In the future, I would really like to travel and see with my own eyes the natural beauty and attractions of other places in Canada.