Winter 2015


Travel accessories set on white background

My name is Nazar. I'm 22 years old. I was born in Ternopil, Ukraine. My parents names are Natalia and Anatolii. I do have one older brother, he is 24 years old. I had two dogs. I got one of them when I was 15 and another one when I was 17. In my childhood I had one hero who was from my favorite soccer team. I went to local school 14. As far back as I can remember I always hated Maths. I always played soccer, every single day I was outside and played soccer with my friends. Now I'm living in Windsor, Canada. Since war began, I moved to Canada to start a new life here and build a family here. I started my career here on some local factory and I have intentions to get education here and have a good job to afford all my expenses.