Winter 2015


Aerial view of Gardens of Babur, Kabul, Afghanistan

Why Afghanistan is a different country from what most people think because a lot of people think that Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world, or Afghanistan isn’t a beautiful country, or the people of Afghanistan are not people of peace. What do you think?

So let me tell you why Afghanistan is not a poor country.

Firstly, Afghanistan has natural resources like iron, oil, gold, copper, ruby, and etcetera. The value of Afghanistan's mines in total is $9,131,840,350,000 or $9,131,840 trillion dollars.

Secondly, why Afghanistan isn’t a poor country because Afghanistan has a lot of historical landmarks like Buddha statues in Bamyan, Babar's garden, etcetera. So, every year many people visit these places and this gives the people of Afghanistan a good income.

Thirdly, why Afghanistan isn’t a poor country is because of its geographical location. Afghanistan is a landlocked country located at the crossroads of Central Asia and South Asia, referred to as the Heart of Asia. Afghanistan can connect Central Asia to the Indian Ocean so from these ways can make a lot of money. So because of these three natural resources, historical landmarks, and geographical location, Afghanistan isn’t a poor country.

Again, Afghanistan is a different country from what most people think because a lot of people think that Afghanistan isn’t a beautiful country. What do you think?

Afghanistan is one of the most beautiful countries on earth because mountainous. Afghanistan has these mountains: Pamir, Khajemohammed, Darvaz, White Bear, Mirsmir, Wakhan, and Vakak. Also, Afghanistan has four seasons, so you can experience the beauty of every season in Afghanistan, for example, from snow in winter. Afghanistan has a lot of big and pristine lakes, so for these reasons - beautiful mountains, four seasons, and big and pristine lakes - Afghanistan is a beautiful country.

Why Afghanistan is a different country from what most people think because a lot of people think that the people of Afghanistan are not people of peace. Do you think that is right?

The people of Afghanistan are the people of peace because firstly, the people of Afghanistan have not attacked any people in 100 years, despite the language difference, their people live together. All people of Afghanistan are hardworking people, intelligent, and career oriented. So Afghanistan isn’t one of the poorest countries in the world; Afghanistan is a beautiful country, and the people of Afghanistan are people of peace.