Winter 2015


A funny dog sits on chair and works, studies or play online games using computer at office

Having dogs in a Canadian workplace has both advantages and disadvantages. The statistics show that there are a lot of benefits of allowing pets in the workplace. I have read some famous sayings about dogs that dazzled and inspired me to write about dogs in a workplace.

Some famous sayings about dogs: “Dogs make the best coworkers.” “Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” Do you know that a dog can get you out of any kind of bad mood faster than you can think of?

One advantage is that employees working in dog-friendly offices experience lower stress levels and improve communication. For instance, the presence of dogs can create a calming and positive atmosphere, reducing tension among coworkers. To illustrate why the presence of pets in the workplace reduces stress and has many benefits, we need to realize that petting a dog releases a hormone in the brain called oxytocin that not only reduces stress, but lowers blood pressure, too, and it lowers cortisol levels which is a stress related hormone which can lead to high cholesterol levels, hypertension and depression. Therefore, pets in a workplace improve employees’ health.

The second advantage of having pets in a workplace is that pets are great conversation starters. This can lead to better communication and collaboration between coworkers. Therefore, they can promote positive interaction. For example, dogs serve as a point of common interest. The presence of dogs breaks the ice among colleagues and fosters connections. Thus, encouraging coworkers to engage in friendly conversations.

The third advantage is that dogs ensure that employees take breaks from screens, such as, getting up to pat a pet or having a short walk helps the flow of mental creativity. As a result, studies show that spending too much time on one project can decrease productivity. Therefore, when people take short breaks, they come back feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the project again. Pets remind people to pause and step back from whatever they are involved in so as not to be overworked and become stressed.

However, for every plus there is a minus. There are some disadvantages of having pets in a workplace. One disadvantage of having dogs in a workplace is cultural differences and sensitivities. For instance, not all societies view dogs the same way. While people born and raised in Canada generally view dogs as pets, some people from other countries view them as “outside” animals or potential rabies carriers. For these people, dogs in the office may be thought to cause an unsafe working environment. So, all dogs need to pass some type of test to check that they are suited to be brought to the workplace.

One of the disadvantages is that you must consider health problems, such as allergic reactions. Even though people love pets, they cannot be near them without their eyes watering and throat closing. So, the solution is to allow for a few dog’s areas for those people who don’t like dogs or are allergic.

The second disadvantage is that you must consider any health and safety hazards for allowing pets in the workplace. Thus, daily maintenance is essential. For example, bite and scratch injuries can happen in the workplace. Pets can be unpredictable and may become aggressive or frightened in unfamiliar environments, which can lead to biting or scratching injuries to employees or other pets in the workplace. One must consider purchasing pet insurance in case of accidents.

The last disadvantage is that some people do not feel comfortable around certain animals, perhaps a person was attacked or bitten by a dog at one point, and thus a dog in the workplace could be considered a trigger to that traumatic experience for that person.

In conclusion, as it was mentioned before, I think having dogs in a workplace gives many benefits to employees’ health. For example, having a dog in a workplace boasts happiness, relieves stress and encourages healthy breaks. I also believe a dog-friendly workplace should have two responsibilities. First, they should consider setting a schedule for when employees can bring their pets. Let’s say they are welcomed in the office every Friday ONLY. Second, the company should also create a policy or standard rules for employees who are responsible for their pets. For instance, no squeaky toys that distract workers, aggressive behavior or smelly treats. If the following steps are taken into consideration, I totally believe it will be a great idea to bring your dog to a workplace.