Winter 2015


Colorful Pickup trucks parked in a parking lot.

In my personal experience learning to drive a car is very easy but I would recommend starting your driving practice when you are old enough to legally drive a car.

At the same time, if you love driving and you have gained skills achieved through years of experience then you can start learning truck driving. Truck driving is a very heavy task because it starts with an eighteen-wheel long vehicle, so you need to know each and every corner of the truck’s width and distances. Once you get the confidence to drive a truck then you will free your mind and it will feel more natural. Reversing is very tough, and the reason is trucks have a lot of blind spots.

People often look at the size of big truck and think they would never be able to learn how to drive one. However, if you just attend some training, you will gain that talent. After, my truck training practice I love to drive trucks more than a car.