Winter 2015


Slice of vegan chocolate nut cake on white blackground close-up


  • 475 g cashew
  • 150 g walnuts
  • 100 g almonds
  • 100 g dates
  • 200 g coconut cream
  • 200 g strawberries
  • 20 g cocoa
  • maple syrup
  • juice from 2-3 limes
  • a pinch of cinnamon
  • coconut oil
  • vanilla
  • salt

First layer:

150 g walnuts, 100 g almonds, 100 g dates, all soaked in water over night and mixed using a good blender with some cinnamon, a pinch of salt and 25 g coconut oil.

Second layer:

150 g cashew soaked in water overnight and blended with 100 g coconut oil, 200 g coconut cream, 60 ml maple syrup, juice from 2-3 limes, vanilla and a pinch of salt.

Third layer:

150 g cashew soaked in water overnight and blended with 100 g coconut oil, 200 g coconut cream, 60 ml maple syrup, 200 g strawberry and a pinch of salt.

Forth layer:

175 g cashew soaked in water overnight and blended with 100 g coconut oil, 100 g maple syrup, 20 g cocoa, vanilla and a pinch of salt.


  • Every layer goes in the freezer for 30 mins
  • Coconut oil has to be warm
  • The best coconut cream is the one you can buy at Superstore - Kosa brand.

Good luck and enjoy!