Winter 2015


American Moose in snow with white frost on trees

When I remember my first day in Canada, I couldn't stop laughing, that day everything changed for me. When I arrived Toronto airport, I was wearing a light jacket, then I wore a heavy layered jacket because it was winter. When I left Jordan, there was green grass was everywhere. But in Canada I couldn't see grass, the snow was everywhere. The houses were all made of wood, unlike the houses that I used to see made of cement in Jordan. On the second day, I saw a huge moose. I told my sponsor about that. He told me I am lucky to see a mouse because they are very shy. People were friendly with my family and me and they spoke words we didn't understand, but I know, they were good words from their smiles. My children received a lot of toys, my sponsor opened account for me in bank and it's the first account since I was born.

I love Canada and my children love it, it is dream land for everybody!