Winter 2015


Muslim family praying before meal

The day I chose to write about is ‘EID ELFETER’. It is a special day for all the Muslims as it comes after one month of fasting and this is the day when we break the fast. Also, it is a special time for praying, forgiveness, support brotherhood and visiting the people we love. On this day we also eat our traditional food which is prepared at home.

First, we wake up early, and we prepare ourselves for the holiday’s prayers. We usually wear new clothes that are bought specifically for this day, we put some cologne, and then we go to the Mosque. There, we pray the prayers and we read some ‘douaa’, then we listen to the ‘Imem’ for advice and to learn about the benefits of this holiday. Also, we share holiday greetings with the people inside the Mosque.

After, we go to the cemetery to visit our family members who passed away, and we read from the Koran at their tombs. When we finish, we go to visit our family, neighbors, and our friends to share holiday greetings. We take pictures, and we also do fireworks. Some families take their children to the park to play games.

Finally, we go back home to continue the celebrations. Once at home we eat our traditional food that is prepared by all mothers or women in the family. The traditional foods eaten on this day include brown fava beans, mixed with ‘harissa’ and olive oil which are eaten with bread. After that, we sit in the living room together, and sometimes we have visitors who come to share holiday greetings. We have some traditional sweets made by mom at home. These sweets are usually home cookies and ‘ ghrayba’, and we drink tea, coffee, and soda depending on preferences. Everyone sits down and we talk about good memories from previous holidays, we laugh and have fun.

‘EID ELFETER’, is a special day. It is a day full of faith and peace because it is an opportunity for us to forgive each other for the mistakes we made, and it is also a great day to work more on our relationship with God.