Winter 2015


Open book with cardboard cutout of family - story concept

My name is Thuy. Currently, I live in Canada but I was born in Vietnam and lived with my family in the South of Vietnam. My family has 5 people including my parents, 2 sisters and me.

I love my family so much. My parents are so kind. They are always behind me and my siblings to support our dreams and teach us how to be a good person. They never imposed on us to become what they want us to be. Instead, they wanted us to choose careers and a life we love and would give us joy and happiness. Each person has different hobbies and dreams. My dream is to become a baker because baking is something that makes me feel comfort and I enjoy it.

I started to study baking for 1 year after I finished high school. After that, I worked for a small bakery shop in town. There where so many things I had to learn that I didn’t learn at school. Over the years, I got more experience about baking and I wanted to own a bakery so I decided to study more about baking to get a certificate as a professional baker.

Then I moved to a big city. During study at school I still worked a part-time job to save some money. At that time, I met my husband, but we were just like friends. When he came back to Canada we still kept in touch and we fell in love. A few years later, we married and I stopped my dream. However, when I lived with my family’s husband I learned sewing from my sister-in-law and started studying English to prepare for my new life in Canada.

Canada is a modern country with friendly people. I’m lucky to live here. Now, I have been in Canada for almost 3 years. The first days I lived here everything was new to me. Day by day I keep trying to learn more about the culture in Canada and the language. I hope someday I can know everything in Canada and be good at English.