Winter 2015


man breakaing cigarette in half

Many people make resolutions such as quitting smoking, dieting, and obtaining certificates in the new year. But most are unsuccessful. Fifteen years ago, I was a smoker and one day I suddenly decided to give up smoking. The day was not a New Year’s Day and there was no particular reason. Anyway, I threw cigarettes and a lighter that I had into the trash can. The first three days were hardest because I wanted to smoke. I kept counting from 1 to 30 in my mind. After 30 seconds, I felt less inclined to smoke and after a month, I almost lost my desire to smoke. As six months passed, I had no desire to smoke and I hated the smell of cigarettes. Fifteen years later, I still don’t smoke. It wasn't a New Year's resolution, but now that I had made up my mind once, I have confidence that I can achieve other goals, too.