Winter 2015


Home office

I thought that work from home would be my dream coming true. It would be making me stop worrying about catching the bus to get to work on time, thinking about my outfit for the next day, coming home late to take care of the children and housework. I found these ideas just amazing. However, when the pandemic pushed me to start working from home, I found a different reality. I started to spend more hours working than ever, my work life and my personal life were mixed and the relationship with co-workers got less intensive or lost. I cannot believe how much I missed my office, despite the 3 hours of commute.

As returning to the office was not a possibility, I decided to make changes in my routine that allowed me to fulfill my work efficiently and at the same time keep my personal life healthy, emotionally, and physically. The main problems that I had to face were: 1) separate my job duties of my housework physically and mentally, focus myself on only one task at a time, 2) ensure to have everything needed for my work, for instance equipment, internet, etc, and 3) establish communication with my team.

Separating my job from home required from me some self-criticism. The fact was that unconsciously I had started to wake up late, usually I was disturbed by the television or music played by my children, also as I was at home, I spent more time cooking or cleaning than usual. Nothing of those things were necessary and were impacting negatively on my life. As a consequence, the first change that I did was to keep my work as I would be working in the office. I mean, I started waking up at the usual time to take a shower, get dressed, clean and have breakfast before starting to work. Unbelievably this small change put me mentally at office.

For my next change I had to spend some money, but it was an investment that got me back quality of life. I bought a desk and placed it in a proper space, with some distance from the distractions: TV, dining and playing room. I made it the most comfortable possible with procuring enough light. Also, we improved our internet equipment, ensuring that everybody in the house can use it without affecting others. I can say without exaggerating that with these changes I created a small office environment at home that allowed me to focus on my work. I was able to return to my habitual work schedule. I started having time for breaks and lunch with my family without affecting my performance at work. Also, I have time to walk, study or watch television after work.

Finally, for me, as well as for most of the people, it is important to keep in touch with my co-workers. Many reasons why: creating strong relationships, getting advice when needed, widen my boundaries, etc. Therefore, I started speaking or chatting on-line with my co-workers, sometimes to coordinate tasks and sometimes only to socialize. With this approach, I could recover the communication with some people along with building bridges for cooperation.

Now, I can say that I got used to work at home and it does not get me far from my family. Only I had to organize my routine to work as I would in the office, build a proper space to work comfortably and focus and re-establish the relationship with my partners. Also, I am saving the commute time for me. I am able to enjoy my personal life with my family without affecting my performance at work and I am not missing the office at all anymore. I hope my experience can help others that are struggling in the same situation as I was.