Winter 2015


grocery line - distance markers on floor

Coronavirus has changed our lives and the lives of people all around the world. Since Covid-19 started we have to wear masks everywhere we go, for example to stores, shops, hospitals and to work. When Covid-19 became a pandemic, my kids had to leave school and take a home study program that was very hard for them. Home study means that they needed to do online classes on their computer. Since they are at home, they have no friends to play with and no playground to play in. We needed to find more computers for all our children to use, so it was also stressful for my wife and I to make these arrangements. Luckily a friend of mine helped us out!

It has also been a hard time for me and for my wife. I lost my job for a couple of months because I had a cough which is a symptom of the virus and I couldn’t go to work until I was completely recovered. After I got better, I was able to go back to work, but because our company was having a shortage of work, and I had to wait for their phone call before I could come in. I couldn’t find any other jobs because all the other companies were also affected by the virus’s spread. It was a tough time for us as a family because we’ve never experienced something like this before. My kids were bored as even their close friends who usually visited us frequently stopped coming, to protect us and their family.

Right now, things are getting better as the schools have opened and kids can see their friends. Though, we are all still careful to follow all the safety rules. I hope the vaccine will help to reduce the spread of the virus and that our lives will soon come back to normal.