Winter 2015

Travel (Outside of Canada)

Beautiful sunset through the palm trees, Los Angeles, California

My trip to Los Angeles was an exciting experience. When I arrived at the airport I felt nervous because for the first time I had to make the check alone. I thought about questions what I would have answer and I don't know if I would understand them. Fortunately, the customs officer only reviewed my passport and asked me for how long I would stay in Los Angeles and who I will visit.

I flew for five hours. My nephew was waiting for me outside the airport. I arrived at 7:30 p.m to Los Angeles. We were so hungry we passed the Pollo Campero, a delicious chicken restaurant in my country. After we arrived to my sister's house. I felt so excited because I saw her after five years.

On Saturday we went Santa Monica beach is a beautiful place but the water so could for that I didn't can swim and we visited to Aquarium that place has a wonderful marine species. I saw starfish, seahorses and jellyfish. At night we went to Mexican Restaurant we ate so good food.

On Sunday morning we went to place very similar to El Salvador. We ate pupusas, which is a typical Salvadorean food. After that, we went to Long Beach, which is a wonderful place.

At night we had a barbecue at home and shared it with family.

On Monday at 7:00 a.m I had my comeback fly. I arrived in Canada around 2:00 p.m for me It was a short but beautiful trip.