Winter 2015


A blue white street sign showing directions next to a road with a scenic background

Once you're ready for the next step in your life and move to another country, you're probably expecting some challenges along the way. If you decide to relocate to Canada, here are a few pieces of advice to help you figure things out faster and easier.

First of all, it is important to avoid excessive expectations and be prepared for the worst. People may think they will experience the highest living standards in areas such as health, education, services, and employment as soon as they land in Canada. However, they may find that reality does not match those expectations. It may take some time for them to understand that these services in Canada are different. This period of adjustment may lead to some frustration. Fortunately, even the smallest communities in Canada have many institutions to help newcomers with any questions. Everything can be resolved, especially when you are familiar with local communication and language skills.

Also, it is essential to understand "small talk". Small talk is a huge part of Canadian culture of communication. Greeting other people can mean different things than in your home country. For example, if you say "How are you?" in Ukraine, you may expect to listen to what the person has been doing the entire day. In Canada, that simply means "Hi!".

Finally, I would say the vital skill you should have is how to present yourself or your project. When you apply for a job or have an interview with a potential employer, do not mention additional skills and experiences that are not required for the position. It can be perceived as being overqualified for the position. For example, if you are applying for a truck driver's position, the employer does not need to know about your extensive experience in sales or management. The employer might assume you could leave the job as soon as you find something more suitable.

In conclusion, it's great to be prepared for each step in your life. Research is very important before you do anything, but it's not possible to be prepared for everything. I wish you will enjoy the journey and achieve everything you want and need! Have fun!"