Winter 2015


an interview of a young girl with the recruiter of the company

Job interviews have a very long history. In 1921, Thomas Edison created the first interview with a written test to check candidates’ knowledge. Since then, the interview process has come a long way with different changes. Since the pandemic started, in-person interviews have been most popular in past decades. In that process, a candidate has to send the resume through mail, email, or online submission. The selected candidates for the first round of process received a call from the employer to do the screening test. The eligible candidates from the first round received a date for an in-person interview. When the expansion of Covid 19, the interview processes are changed as an impact from the lockdown and safety and health circumstances. As a result, employers are turned to conducting online job interviews more than in-person ones. Online interviews are quite change from in-person interviews. There are pros and cons to both interview types. In the modern days, people are more likely to have online interviews, especially the millennials (Gen X) and the New silent generation (Gen Z) because they are more engaged and familiar with technology.

In the article ’11 Ways to Excel in a Zoom Job Interview’, by Emine Sanar, there are a few basic tips for preparing for an online job interview and how to face an online job interview in a tricky way. She discussed technology usage, backup plans, avoiding background noises, background arrangements, time management, light balance, how to keep eye contact, how to dress smartly, and how to build a rapport with interviewers.

In her article, she mainly focused on technology and the environment. The things we need to check in on before the meeting, like the Internet connection, camera, microphone, and backup arrangements, Also, it is very important to join a Zoom meeting in a calm and quiet place. The place must be nicer, like a plain background without rubbish and no posters on the wall, but a well-maintained book rack is okay to have in the back. The candidate needs to give priority to the interview board; no cell phone during the interview; and no children, pets, or family members around you while the interview is going on. During the interview, always make sure to maintain eye contact with others and have a little smile on your face. However, do not give long answers to the questions. Make sure to answer the questions in a short, clear, and on-point manner.

Sanar has given tips on the dress code as well. In an interview, it is very important to get a good impression from others. An interview is a professional meeting. Therefore, make sure to be professional in the meeting. No matter if you are doing online or in-person interviews. In both interviews, you represent yourself and your personality. So, keep in mind to dress nicely, which is suitable for an interview. Do not wear too casual clothes, printed clothes, pajamas, hoodies, dark-colored dresses, etc. Make sure to wear office attire professionally. So, this is the summary of Sanar’s article. According to the article and my opinion, online interviews are very realistic and suitable for the time changes. However, there are pros and cons to an online interview and an in-person interview. To overcome them, we need to be well-prepared before the interview day. The main difference between in-person and online interviews is the platform. If it is a in-person interview, it’s better to practice with some common interview questions. Also, it’s good to take some notes, a notepad, a pen, some gums to refresh, a comb or brush, and a few copies of resumes and business cards with us. We can prepare our bag the night before the interview by adding those things. Make sure to get some contact information from the employer, hiring team, or a general contact number from the company. It may help us to contact them directly in any emergency like losing the direction or getting late. Also, be careful of the time management. Don’t be late or go too early to the interview. Make sure to be at the place five or ten minutes before the appointment time. Google the location and arrange the transportation to commute the place correctly and timely without any barriers. Finally, make sure to dress nicely in a professional way like wearing office attire, dress in light colors without heavy designs, don’t wear fancy jewelry, or don’t put on heavy make-up.

In an online interview, make sure to check the networking before the interview started, and be prepared to back up plans. Double-check the scheduled time with the employer and join the meeting on time. Get ready for the interview with practicing common interview questions, keep a copy of the submitted resume on the table, and keep a notepad, notes, and a pen next to the laptop. It’s very important to join the interview in a clear background, like a plain wall or, a well-maintained bookshelf behind the table, and be careful not to have anyone in the room during the interview avoid background noise and keep good lighting. It’s good to check the Internet connection, microphone, camera, and other electric devices and have a test run before the interview. It will help to reduce the interruptions. Be nice during the interview, speak clearly and maintain the tone of voice, keep eye contact with interviewers, be polite, and keep a smile on your face. Finally say thank you at the end of the interview and send a thank you email to the employer. These are common for both online and in-person interviews.

I have experience of both interviews. In Canada, my first job interview was an online interview. I researched the way to perform an online interview before my interview. So, I had a general idea of the tips that I could use for an online interview. When I read Sanar’s article, I understood the online interview tips very clearly. Her tips and advice are very useful to everyone who are practicing for an online interview. Her tips and pieces of advice are very important, informative, and useful for everyone. I learned more about online interviewing tips and pieces of advice from her article and hope I can use them for future online interviews.

