Winter 2015


man volunteering at donation center and passing box with clothes to his coworker

Volunteering for just one hour a week can make a big difference in your life and for others. Most importantly, volunteering is not only about helping others, it's also about improving yourself. So, let me explain how giving a little bit of your time can change a lot of things for you, and your community.

Benefits for You

  1. Build New Skills
  2. When you volunteer, you learn new things. like teaching others, helping in shelter centers, helping elderly people.
    With your contribution you can gain skills that you can use in school and later in life.
    Moreover, it is valuable on your resume when you apply for a job or enroll in a university.

  3. Gain Confidence
  4. Helping others makes you feel good about yourself. It gives you a sense of purpose, and you gain more confidence to undergo and resolve any problems in life.

  5. Friendships
  6. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and make friends and connecting with others who share the same interests and passions.
    At this point, I want to share with you my personal experience when I was a teenager. I volunteered in a literacy center.
    This experience helped me develop a lot of skills and responsibilities. For example, it showed me value that I didn't see before. Furthermore, it made me realize the importance of learning how to read and write and how important they are in life.
    After some weeks of tutoring a group of learners, I saw real improvement in the learners and it made me feel happy to see them become more confident.

Benefits to Others

  1. Community
  2. When you volunteer, you make your community a better place. For instance, you can help an elderly neighbor who has trouble doing things around the house.
    Furthermore, you can drive people to do their shopping or attend local worship. Also, you could be a crossing guard at a school or help out at a local hospital or food bank.
    Volunteers help make a community a better place to live, work, and play.

  3. Helps people in need
  4. Many people need help, whether they are elderly, sick, or struggling with life's challenges. By volunteering, you give them hope and support. Your time and effort can make a real difference in their lives.

  5. Motivate Others
  6. When your friends and family see you volunteering, they might be inspired to help out too. You can be a role-model by inspiring and showing that even small actions can have a big impact.

Easy Ways to Start

Look for opportunities in your community. Libraries, animal shelters, and hospitals often need volunteers. Find something that interests you and give it a try.


So, why don't you give it a go? There is nothing to lose volunteering just one hour a week can change your life and the lives of those around you. It is fun and rewarding to give back to your community by volunteering. Communities offer many services for the people who live in them. The fire and police departments keep community members safe. Hospitals and clinics keep people healthy. Communities need people who are willing to give freely of their time and talents. So, why not start today? Give it a try and see the positive impact you can make with just a small commitment of your time.

I'm sure you would be brilliant at it!