Winter 2015


Welcome sign of New Brunswick

I have been living in Canada for 4 years and I am going to tell you 3 things newcomers should know about living in Canada and particularly New Brunswick.

First, Canada is a friendly country and people who live in New Brunswick are very friendly. It's okay to say "hi" or smile at your neighbors. If you need help, just ask – Canadians are usually happy to help.

Next, New Brunswick is full of nature. There are beautiful trees, rivers, and parks. It's a great place to go for a walk or have a picnic. There are also many outdoor activities to try, like hiking and fishing. Nature is a big part of life here, so take time to enjoy the wonderful landscapes in New Brunswick and all over Canada.

Finally, in New Brunswick, people speak both English and French. While many speak English, some also speak French. It’s a good idea to learn simple words and greetings in both languages. It's a nice way to connect with others and show respect for the province's bilingual culture.

Canada is a wonderful place where you can enjoy a full life!