Summer 2023


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A holiday is an important part of our work-life balance. Everyone is tired to do the same job every time and needs to have a rest. New feelings and experiences keep our minds refreshed.

I absolutely agree with the opinion that parents should take a holiday without children. I am sure that some days spent without children help to keep a warm relationship in couples and make their lives happier.

But I should say that our upbringing very often dictates us another rule. We have the wrong opinion that all the best things we must give to our children. This is not bad but first of all, we need to think about ourselves and keep our mental health in good condition. Usually, happy parents have happy children.

From this point of view, the best decision is to divide your holiday into two parts and spend one part with your spouse and another together with the whole family.

I understand that sometimes it is difficult to plan because of the lack of time or money, but even a visit to the cinema or the theatre can be a good way to spend time together.