Spring 2023


Spicy teriyaki chicken fillet pieces with rice, green onions and black sesame seeds on black plate o


  • Chicken fillet — 500 g
  • Coconut milk — 100ml
  • Chopped ginger — 2 spoons
  • Onion — 1 middle head
  • Hot red pepper — who loves how
  • Lime — 1 pc
  • Garlic — 2 cloves
  • Turmeric — 1,5 spoons
  • Curry powder — 1.5 spoons
  • Olive/same/vegetable oil
  • Rice (whichever you like) 200 g

Cut the chicken breast fillet into thin strips. Finely cut Onions, ginger, garlic and some red pepper (it's very insidious!) Pour a couple of spoons of olive/ssesame/vegetable oil into the frying pan. Let it heat then throw onions, garlic, ginger, pepper in the oil and stew for few minutes. Add curry powder and turmeric. Then lightly fry chicken cut into strips over high heat. Add coconut milk, half juice (maybe more, try it!) of Lime, salt to taste. Simmer for 10 minutes, until the chicken is ready.

While the chicken is stewing, let's cook the rice. Fill the rice with water (water should be 0.5 more than rice, e.g.: for 1 glass of rice 1.5 cups of water), boil until ready.

Bon appetit!