Spring 2023


Side view of assorted vegetables including tomatoes and pumpkins covering cutting board in front of

A person needs essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients found in food for proper body functioning. A suitable diet and lifestyle require a food combination of protein, carbohydrate foods, and fruits. The consideration of food combinations in a diet is very important because of the digestion process of each category. Protein foods require the most time and energy for the body to digest. Carbohydrate foods break down faster than protein foods and fruits are digested very quickly.

Besides that, it has been scientifically demonstrated that a healthy diet is good for metabolism, boosts mood, nourishes the brain and is good for disease-fighting. Also, it helps you to lose weight, cleanse your body of toxins and manage mental health. Therefore, healthy eating habit plays an important role to keep the body’s systems working as well as it can.

The following five tips for eating well have positive impacts on human well-being:

  • Eat a minimum of five fruits and vegetables per day by focusing on the most colorful (because of high levels of nutrition) such as leafy greens, tomatoes, carrots, oranges, and cranberries.
  • Consume whole grains over processed grains and white flour.
  • Limit refined and processed carbohydrates like salty snacks, soft drinks, pastries, sweetened cereals, and candy.
  • Control taking in hydrogenated fat and cholesterol found in meats and dairy products.
  • To complete the diet, add cold-water fish, natural nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil.