Visit to Great Wolfe Lodge
Author: Ji S.
Level: 6
Instructor: Ana R.
Photo Credit: Garakta-Studio / Envato elements
Article ID: 2611 [Canada- Fall 2022]
During the pandemic lockdown, we went through a lot of difficulties. All public places were closed, and we all had to spend most of our time at home. So, after the lockdown finished, I decided to go to Niagara's Great Wolf Lodge swimming pool for 2 days and 1 night as a trip that could provide enjoyable entertainment for my young daughter who has been locked up in the house. In addition, this trip was at a close distance from Toronto, where we live.
With the price of everything going up, except for my salary, the travel expenses were also very high. So, I took a trip on a relatively cheap weekday, and I took an electric grill pan to cook and cut out eating out as much as possible. With the help of the grill, I could make hamburgers and hot dogs on a budget.
Even though it was a weekday, there were a lot of people, who had been imprisoned by the lockdown shouting for freedom. Like my family and me, they wanted to have fun.
In conclusion, it was a trip for my young daughter, but it was also a pleasant trip, which I had not had in a long time.