Summer 2022


Video conference in the business team meeting with face mask due to covid-19 and corona virus

Over time, human beings have experienced and lived realities that make them generate changes and ways of approaching this reality. Today humanity has survived and continues to face the Coved-19 pandemic which has affected our lives in different ways. Some things will go back to what they were before, while others will change completely.

Currently people have increased the use of Zoom, WhatsApp, and other technological platforms to work, study and have fun. Companies are reorganizing as some services are executed by employees from home. Another aspect that has changed has been online shopping; people who had never done this process feel more comfortable with it now.

Some companies have been able to withstand the economic impact exerted by closure of trade, but other companies have not had that luck by closing their economic activity. Some services will have to disappear, and others will manage to overcome. This crisis has affected many businesses in different ways.

Another important factor is the means of transportation. Alternatives such as bicycles or motorized scooters are now more popular. In education there is positivity because students can continue to obtain their studies online as many subjects do not require applying practical knowledge such as social sciences.

I can conclude that human beings will be facing and overcoming realities better and better.