Spring 2022


Portrait of male model in casual clothes poses confident on street during buildings. Traveler in new

I always had the idea that Canada would be a good country to live in. It was not until October 2017 when I decided to come to Canada. At that time, my only plan was to learn English. However, everything changed in December 2017, when the political party that I was not in favor of won the elections in my country. They have been destroying my country for years. To give you an idea, in 2013 someone killed my brother to steal a motorcycle. And another example is for years million of people who opposed this political party have had to leave the country for fear of being arrested or murdered.

In fact, in December 2017, I decided to find a legal way to stay in Canada. After I consulted with some lawyers, they recommended me applying for Permanent Residence as a refugee. I had no idea of the implications or all the changes that I would experience afterwards.

First, I transferred from a private school to an ESL school, which was my first shock, because the methodologies in these schools were completely different. I advanced in my English and this changed everything. But having a new life here was like starting everything all over again and the environment was a challenge for me. After finding all those people with different personal histories from countries where were in warfare for years, I found myself affected a lot emotionally.

Second, obtaining information about job hunting or simply getting a guide or mentor was a real headache. I was somewhat misled while navigating through the whole process. They welcome me to the training but maybe I could have been informed that before getting a job I must receive the approval from my refugee process or what other options I had.

Third, I discovered that the government website provides us all the information that we need. The problem is it took some time to find all the information by myself because I was busy adapting to the new culture and the new country. After one year, I noticed myself depressed without having any energy and at one point I thought that maybe this country might not be the right place to live in. I forgot my professional skills and I felt insecure.

In despite of these difficulties, however, I never stop trying, asking and searching. After some language and skill training, I went through accreditation process, passed job interviews successfully and finally landed a government job in my field. I even a created a YouTube channel in my language to help people who would feel how I felt and encourage them to overcome difficulties while going after their dreams.

Finally, I think that immigrating to Canada has been a big challenge for me because in this country everyone must take a responsibility for themselves. Also, it takes time to find the best way to live and the opportunities that this country offers you without forgetting your skills. Never lose your hope and keep trying, put egoism and self-doubt aside. You will succeed.