Winter 2015


water tower Port Dover, Ontario.

Whenever it is a Friday the 13th during the year, a very interesting thing takes place in the city of Port Dover.

In fact, bikers from all over Canada and the United States gather to celebrate a great party together. The event is very beautiful. Every year thousands of motorcyclists arrive and the city is filled with some very special bikes.

The very interesting thing is that in addition to motorcycles there are also stands of artisanal merchandise and street food. It is a big party. In fact, there are also areas used for concerts and live music.

You don’t need to be a biker to be able to visit Port Dover on Friday the 13th, although at the entrance of the town only motorcycles are allowed and the police block the access. However, there is a school bus that is used as a shuttle, available for all those who want to have transportation from the large parking lot where people can leave their car to the center of the town.

Another strong point of this gathering and the location is the fact that it takes place right near the beach of Port Dover on the coast of Lake Erie. So, the best time to visit is when Friday the 13th takes place in the summer months. In fact, it is during the summer months that Port Dover has so many visitors, music, motorcycles, street food, and funny people that make this day special.

I have been lucky to visit Port Dover twice in the last four years. Unfortunately, last year, due to COVID, the events could not be done and maybe this year’s events are at risk. I hope it will soon return to being a reference point for many motorcycle enthusiasts and lovers of “kustom culture”.