Summer 2021


Two friends talking with coffee mugs on couch

Making friends is not easy. It takes a long time to reveal the full personality of a person. Here are some steps to know someone better.

  • You should initiate conversation by greeting the person and giving your best smile.
  • You should establish conversation by asking a question starter. Ask about their interests, hobbies, work, travel, origin, family, likes and dislikes.
  • You should display appropriate facial expressions and non-verbal communication. You should look right in the eyes. You should respond naturally. Use “really?” and repetition to show interest in what the other person is saying. Also, be honest about your own interests and opinions.
  • You should interact with the person. Play activities, hang out, and spend quality time together. Be dependable. You should do nice things for each other. Plan surprises and remember both need personal space sometimes.
  • If it doesn’t work out. You can’t force a relationship. You ought to stop and move on. Be yourself and be happy always.