Movie Review: Click
Author: Hussein K.
Level: -
Instructor: Karen L.
Photo Credit: Elena Ternovaja, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Common
Article ID: 2074 [Arts- Spring 2021]
I've seen a film called "The Click". It's about a man who was always busy with his work. He was so busy that he didn't have time for his family. But he wasn't a bad man at all, he just thought that earning a lot of money would bring happiness to his home.
Until one day, a strange thing happened to him. He found a magic remote. By clicking on it, he could make time pass more quickly. At first, it happened to be a very good thing. He could help himself not hear the dog barking or avoid an argument with his wife by clicking on the remote.
Then he used the remote all the time. He used it to replace the time he spent with his family to the time he spent on work. However, he didn't know that he could never make time go back until he looked in the mirror and realized he had become such an old man!
It was too late for him to fix anything: his wife had got married to another man because her husband spent too little time on her, his daughter was then a beautiful lady, his son was about to get married and his father was dead.