Winter 2020


Horseshoe Falls, also known as Canadian Falls at Niagara Falls. View from Canada

The most exciting holiday I had in Canada was when me and my family went to Niagara Falls. This was my most favourite holiday I have ever had because it was my first holiday in Canada, which is really special to me. In addition, me and my family had a fantastic time at Niagara Falls. We stayed there for three days and we stayed at one of the best hotels in Niagara Falls. My favourite part of that vacation was when I went on the huge Ferris wheel, which was such a good experience because I got to see the beautiful view of Niagara Falls and the three water falls silently falling. Another thing I thought was really cool was when me and my family went on the Niagara river boat. This was one of the best moments of my life because I had never been on a huge boat like that one and the vibe was just awesome. That is one and best holidays me and my family have ever had.