Fall 2020


Close up of a musician playing a piano keyboard

My mom and dad got married before I was born. As soon as I appeared, they fell in love with me. They were so happy with me. My parents are both musical. My father played the guitar very well and he loved singing. My father had played the guitar before I was born. In fact, he had been playing the guitar for many years before I was born. Before getting married, my mom sang in a choir. She performed on the stage in our small town. When my mom sang, I enjoyed her voice. But neither of them was a musician. While I was growing up, I dreamed of playing the piano. I had always wanted to learn the piano and my time came. One day, my grandma bought me a piano and I set out to investigate how to play music.

Once my grandma bought the piano, my earlier music creations began. I created my first musical compositions while I was studying in a music school. I had always dreamed of performing on the stage as a pianist. By 6th grade I had performed on the stage. One day the local newspaper published my story and about my beautiful performance. My parents were so happy and me too. When I entered the class, my classmates began talking about my performance. Later that year, my musical childhood was finished and I went forward to my next music period, that was a music college. This period in a college went on for 4 years. When I graduated from college, I got a job in a music school where I worked until I moved to Canada.