Summer 2020


Beautiful nature background - four seasons of year collage, vibrant images of different time of year

Weather can be hot or cold, dry or wet, the wind can be blowing or still. On some days the weather changes from cloudy to clear. Many different things combine to create weather. Temperature is one of the basic elements of weather. I like when it's warm, sunny and with a light breeze. And of course, my favorite season is summer. When I was a kid, I loved summer because with the nice weather we had three months of holidays. It was an awesome time for endless outdoor activities. Summer is a time when everything around is green, flowers bloom, and we can enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables that are grown in the garden.

In Ukraine summer starts June 1st, after a no less beautiful season: spring, time when the earth is awake and comes to life again. Therefore, at the beginning of March it becomes warmer, the first flowers appear in the forest, and slowly everything around gets greener and greener. Whereas in Canada, almost till the end of April, it is still winter's weather. After we moved to Canada three years ago, the hardest time for me was March and April.

In Ukraine during these spring months it gradually gets warmer by a few degrees every day; however, here it seems that summer comes right after winter, which lasts around six months, and of course winter is way colder than at home.

Autumn is just about the same. The temperature gradually decreases, leaves turn yellow and red, days become shorter. Furthermore, after the beautiful and impressive summer holidays it's time to go back to school.