Summer 2020


toy cars on map of canada

Usually in December we visit family in Colombia, but this year we decided to save ourselves the stress of having to catch a plane. Driving up to Calgary seemed much more relaxing and so we went for it.

Driving itself was sort of boring and long, nothing a couple of podcasts couldn’t fix though. We didn’t do much that day, we did make a few stops for gas and food, other than that it was really uneventful. After a couple of hours well spent into a shopping mall we decided to call it a night and so we took a small trip to our Air B&B. The next day we all agreed on going out again, going to the other mall for a couple hours before going to the zoo wasn’t really a great idea. It was cold and we were sort of tired from all the walking we had done, nonetheless we pulled through just enough to see the fireworks for the start of the New Year.

After the second day we wanted to go home, but we still had stuff we wanted to do. Going to Banff was one of those things, thus we took another one hour trip to the place. The Air B&B we stayed in was cozy, it honestly felt like heaven once we got there. We didn’t do anything out of the ordinary those few days, it was just mostly walking around and enjoying the beautiful things the place had to offer, as well as skiing/snowboarding. Although I spent half the time on the ground due to my rustiness, my daughter seemed to enjoy it more.