Spring 2020


Sugar or Salt on spoon

This story is about the importance of putting labels on containers.  I was very excited that I made a cake for the first time today.  I started to make the cake.

I ground the sugar and put it in the container.  I made the cake.  After that, the cake was ready,  I decorated the cake and put it in the refrigerator.

Finally, the cake was ready to eat.  Everyone was very excited about it.

The cake looked great and was beautifully decorated.  I was also very happy because I made a cake for the first time.

My brother said, "Let’s eat your awesome cake."  I said sure.  My younger sister cut the cake.  My brother said , "Give the first piece to mother."

My youngest sister told him mom was saying her prayers and she would be a little late.  My younger sister said," Please give me the cake."

She ate the cake.  My sister put the first bite of cake in her mouth.  She did not look very happy.

Oh my God, I thought something was wrong!  She spit the cake out.  She cried, "Do not eat the cake anyone!  Please, it is very salty!"

I was surprised.  I thought maybe she was lying.

I said, " You are teasing me ."  Then she asked me, " Nadia what did you put... sugar or salt ?"

I answered,  "What do you mean ? Of course sugar."  She said, " You did not put the sugar you put the salt!"

Oh no, I said it’s not possible. I never put the salt.

She laughed and laughed.  But I do remember that the sugar and salt containers were the same.  I think I  put salt instead of sugar with the eggs.  I did not know if it was sugar or salt.

I saw mom was not in the room , and I said before mom comes here , throw out the cake please!

For three days my sisters and brother teased me.  They said Nadia please make the cake again!

By God we ate yummy cake and laughed.  Nadia is a very good cook and the expert made every kind of  cake.

We can not forget the salty cake.  They sang “ Oh dear salty cake we miss you very much. “  

I was completely silent.  I felt that was my mistake and next time I will never make the cake.

“ A label on the container is very important “

If there was a label on the container, I would not have made this mistake.  It is very important to have a label on the containers.

You will never make a mistake.

This is my salty cake story.