Before I joined this course I had an idea that online language courses do not benefit students much. But after starting the course now I feel it is an ideal alternative for very busy people like us. - Mutukuda D.
I have confidence to start small talk with my co-workers now. - Tony L.
Not only have my English skills improved, but I have also learned new things about Canada’s culture and history which has helped me to transition into my new adopted country. - Majid A.
It’s comfortable to study from home because I have kids and need to take care of them. Only this program has this option to study from home. - Subajini S.

Getting Started

Find out if you qualify

To be referred to the LINC Home Study program, you must book an appointment at a Language Assessment Centre to test your English language skills and confirm your eligibility.

Other requirements:

  • Permanent resident of Canada, Convention refugee, or Ukrainian temporary resident
  • Resident of Ontario
  • 18 years of age or older
  • A minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) score of 3 for listening and speaking and 2 for reading and writing
  • Unable to attend LINC classes in person*

*You cannot attend another government funded ESL program (ESL, LINC, ELT, OSLT, Citizenship, etc.) at the same time as LINC Home Study

After your referral, LINC Home Study will gather information to complete your registration. You will be placed on a waitlist until space is available. Your instructor will contact you by phone or email when it is time to start the program.

Souhaitez-vous obtenir des services en français? Si oui, cliquez ici(Would you like to receive services in French? If so, click here).

What do you need?

To get started in the LINC Home Study program you will need:

5-7 hours

to study on your own every week

A telephone

for weekly calls with your teacher

A computer with high speed internet

that meets our system requirements if taking the program online, OR

A CD player or device with internet connection

if taking the program by correspondence


Program Expectations

Studying on your own and working with a teacher at a distance come with some unique challenges. If you are considering this program, please review the guidelines we expect our students to follow:

Manage Your Attendance

  • Be available and prepared for your weekly class with your teacher at the scheduled time.
  • If you need to miss your class, notify your teacher explaining the reason why.
  • You may be withdrawn from the program if you frequently miss your class or need to be absent for more than 2 to 3 weeks.

Manage Your Effort

  • Study independently at least 5 hours each week.
  • Complete your homework assignments on time.
  • Practice English as much as you can.

Manage Your Information

Notify the office if you:

  • Change your address or telephone number
  • Obtain Canadian citizenship
  • Plan to withdraw or take a leave of absence from the program

Manage Your Conduct

By participating in the LINC Home Study program, you agree to abide by the Student Code of Conduct.

Useful Links

Illustration of airplane landing on runway

Settlement Services

These websites can help you find information about settlement services and support for newcomers to Ontario.

Illustration of chat bubbles. Top bubble contains 3 dots, bottom bubble contains the word Hello


Explore these free online learning activities for ESL students.

Illustration of a maple leaf


These websites have useful information about Canadian citizenship.

Illustration of the map of Canada

LINC Home Study Canada

LINC Home Study is a free English language training program for eligible newcomers to Canada who cannot attend regular classes.

Illustration of a page containing a checklist

Online Self-Assessment

Assess your reading and listening ability in English or French.

Illustration of a resume


A variety of free online tools and resources to help you in your job search.

Illustration of three documents

Instructor Hub

A variety of free online tools and resources for teachers.

Illustration of fleur-de-lis

Francophone Immigration to Canada

Learn about living in a Francophone community outside Quebec and access Francophone service providers.


Illustration of single document

Help Form

Use this form to send your questions, comments, requests for technical support or updates to your contact information.

Illustration of chat bubbles. Left bubble contains question mark, right bubble contains exclamation point

Live Chat

Need help?
Chat with LINC Home Study technical support during regular business hours.

Illustration of single speech bubble containing a question mark


A list of the most frequently asked questions.

Illustration of asterisks indicating secure password

Forgot Password

If you have forgotten your password, use this feature to have your username and password emailed to you.

Illustration of a video play button

Video Tutorials

These videos will help you get started with LINC Home Study.



Write@Home is a quarterly publication of writing submitted by LINC Home Study students. We are proud of our students and thrilled to publish their writing. The publication encourages our students to practice writing, helps to boost their self-confidence, promotes language skills development and creates a sense of community within the LINC Home Study program. We also hope our readers learn from and feel inspired by the collection of works that are showcased each issue.

A moose seen in snowy weather

FEATURED ARTICLE: Modern technology and learning a new language

Author: Olga Z.

All newcomers are faced with numerous problems arriving to a new country. They have to find a new place to live, a new job to make money, a new school for their children, make new friends, and in order to solve all these problems newcomers need to use language.

Illustration of a toolbox with apple etched in front

Teaching Tools

Write@Home Teaching Tools include a glossary, crossword and lesson plan based on student writing.

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