Winter 2015


Beautiful dancing couple walking in autumn park near a lake

It is important for people to know each other before getting married. The foundation of a successful marriage is love, emotional support, mutual respect and affection. Love affects a person in different ways: it mobilizes some people, and increases vitality. For others, love, on the contrary, leads to a decrease in vitality, isolation, and withdrawal from oneself, leads to increased anxiety, and interferes with self-realization and personal growth.

In such cases, there is an increase in interpersonal relationships, calmness, and self-confidence. After the euphoria of love passes and is replaced by an even feeling of love, it is important for the young to realize the degree of responsibility for further relationships. There are several factors that influence family length:

  • Age of future spouses. The younger they are, the more conflict situations arise.
  • Ignorance of each other's character and habits.
  • The family in which the lovers grew up.
  • A marriage functions better with wider interaction between the spouses. Joint activities and common interests unite the family and help it overcome difficulties and adversity. In cases where joint activity (and this is most often joint family leisure) is accompanied by positive emotions, it serves to relieve conflicts and improve emotional relationships in the family.
  • Material condition of lovers: you cannot count on constant support from your parents; young people must at least provide for themselves minimally.
  • Differences in age, religious views and education.
  • Love as the basis of marriage does not tolerate the slightest falsehood
  • .

Loving people can argue, be offended, be indignant, and they can have disagreements. But all this must be expressed in forms that do not humiliate or insult the other. Loving relationships should be built on an equal and healthy basis.