Winter 2015


a person applying for a job online

Applying for a job is an important part of our employment life. 80% of the success in getting a job depends on the resume. I had an unsatisfactory experience with my resume, which was made up of Israeli rules. I was looking for my first job for four months, applying on many websites and sending a lot of resumes. No success. One day I contacted JIAS’ recruitment manager by email (I found his email address through LinkedIn) and explained to him in Hebrew how much I needed a job. Surprisingly, he called me in a few minutes. He explained that he was not authorized to help me, because I don’t have a PR status. But, anyway, he helped me. That's how I got my first job in Canada.

While looking for my next job, I figured out that my resume was compiled not correctly as per the Canadian employment market. I am enormously grateful to JIAS' employee, who reviewed my resume and pointed out all the mistakes.

My current job I have found through the job bank website extremely fast. I submitted my corrected resume to four ads and was invited to four interviews. In a few days, I had a job.

My life is not easy, but I am grateful to God that wonderful people surround me. Like we say in my culture, don’t have $100 but have 100 friends.