Winter 2015


top view; need a job written on notebook black pen marker binder clips on black background

When I think about it, I do have a little experience in job applications in Ontario. Even though I didn’t have a lot of success in it. I got the job I’m doing right now 6 months ago but I still remember about that, it was something.

To start with a little summary, I’m a newcomer in Canada, I have been here for approximately 7 months. I was an agronomist in my country, but I came here for more opportunities and to open myself to new horizons and news challenges. When I arrived, I started immediately looking for a job, applying in some government companies related to my knowledge and experience. It was really hard; I had no responses at the beginning even after applying to more than 50 companies. I remember I was depressed, unhappy, stressed, I had bills that were piling up and I had to find a job. I had to have an infinite chance to review my criteria and my qualifications downwards to have a chance of being retained in small companies and after several attempts and tries without discouragement I finally got a job interview about a month later.

Before the job interview, I still remember several emotions running through my mind at the same time, namely joy, excitement, but also fear and stress because it was the first time for me to work in Canada, but also in the restaurant sector where I had no experience. Despite everything I managed to keep my calm, remember all the skills and qualities I possess and how important they could be for this job. And that's how, after a 25-minute interview with the manager, I got the job and I'm still working there today.

I can say that applying for a job here in Ontario can be very difficult to the point where sometimes you would want to give up, especially for a newcomer to the city, but it is important to always put a lot of effort into it and not to give up because at the end of each effort you learn something new that will ultimately prove useful one day.