Winter 2015


driving in a car through the countryside

Driving in Sudan is almost the opposite of driving in Canada. There are many things I can say about the differences. First, driving in Sudan does not have as many rules like speed limit, signs telling you not to turn or not to park, stop signs and even traffic lights! There are not any special spaces like parking for disabled people. In Sudan, the person who is driving has to learn to pay attention to the road because people, animals and other cars are crossing all the time. The other thing is that there is not the same kind of consequences like losing the license or a getting ticket for speeding. In Canada, everything is rule based and the rules are very specific. For example, you cannot make a left turn on a red light and if you do, you will face consequences. In the Canadian system the rules are there to protect drivers and people on the street. In Sudan, it is everyone’s responsibility to look after themselves and make sure to not get into an accident.