Winter 2015


Interviewing job applicant in office with resume

Interviews are often used when getting a job, so it is good practice to go to as many interviews as possible. These interviews can help you build your skills, so you can get a job.

To start, it is beneficial to go to as many interviews as possible which leads to you being comfortable talking about your experience and career. In addition, most interview questions are repeated so you could learn from how the manager responds. If you answered the question well, and the manager seems to be impressed, that can help you get a job and you can use the same answer in a different job interview.

Also, like I mentioned before, when getting practice in interviews it can make you more comfortable speaking about your skills, and your experience which is a quality managers look at.

In conclusion, it is good practice and beneficial to go to as many job interviews as possible because you learn how to dress up for that, how to arrive on time, and to bring a copy of the resume. Another important thing is to turn your cell phone on silent and prepare your questions for the interviewer.