Winter 2015


Mom playing with her child

Well, before I became a mom, my life was full of enjoyable moments of freedom. I could wake up whenever I wanted on the weekends (I used to work during the weekdays), plan voluntary trips with friends, and dedicate hours to my favorite hobbies such as shopping, biking and going to watch movies at the cinema. I loved the flexibility and the ability to make decisions based on my own wants and needs. It was a great time of exploration and adventure in my life.

Now, I'm a mom with two little kids who need a lot of care. They want attention all the time. Especially my little Anne. I feed her as much as she wants by breastfeeding, which is exhausting at the end of the day. Also, I'm busy changing diapers, making food, and keeping them safe. I don't have much time for myself now. Even though it's tiring, their happy faces make me really happy too. It's a bit hard, but I love taking care of them.

My life changed a lot having two kids. Before, things were simpler and quieter. I'm not alone taking care of the kids but even working together with my husband to make sure they're alive and healthy it’s a huge amount of work. Our days are filled with feeding, playing, and managing everything.

When I want time alone, I usually wait until the kids are asleep and then I go do the grocery shopping. It's a peaceful time when I can have a bit of space for myself and take care of something important. It's nice to have some moments alone and get things done without any interruptions.