Winter 2015


Canada flag

Canada is a constitutional monarchy. This means that the head of state is not the Prime Minister, but the king, and all major decisions are made by the king. Once, when my friend and I passed by the Royal Hotel, she said, “This is the place where all our kings and queens stay when they visit Canada.” She said it with pride and respect. And for me it was very strange because this is a family of monarchs from another country - from United Kingdom, so Canada, being one of the most developed and richest countries in the world, is subject to another, smaller country, but it works.

Now I hear more and more about independence from Britain and the rejection of the monarchy. It is very sad to hear about this. The British Crown is part of Canadian history. Almost every Canadian follows the news of the royal family. They are happy when children are born in the family, someone gets married or gets the throne. Canadians cried when the Queen died.