Winter 2015


student girl having online class on laptop at home

At the present time, people around the world are living constant changes which impact the way how they deal with certain situations. Every day, people have to be more flexible to adapt to those changes in their lives. As known, the entire world was affected due to the pandemic Covid-19 that meant a big opportunity to begin to do different things in diverse areas such as: education and the develop of strategies in order to keep teaching people around the world.

The one hand, distance education has many advantages and is given to people the option to attain their academic goals. First of all, it is very convenient for people who work and have family. Secondly, students do not need to go anywhere to attend classes and spend money on transportation and fuel. Third, people are not limited on their participating in different courses and programs around the world and finally, this way of learning give to people a lot of opportunities to meet others from different parts of the world and build a strong and diverse networking.

Despite some disadvantages people can face in this type of learning such as: low interaction face- to- face with people, more challenging for people who do not know how to operate computers and technology issues because sometimes it is not under our control and it can fail leaving people without access to their classes; distance learning still brings a lot of benefits for all the users.

Teachers, also may have some difficulties in delivering a distance education course. First of all, they need to develop the appropriate skills to keep their students focused and engaged, especially for elementary school kids who get side-tracked very easily for different reasons. Secondly, teachers have to be trained to operate a variety of resources and programs to teach online. If they have insufficient computers knowledge it is going to be hard to keep up with their classes.

Definitely, distance education is the future for learning. In this age of advanced technology, people are able to explore the options available to take any courses anywhere in the world, without leaving their home. Also, today almost everyone can get computers and access to the Internet for affordable prices.