Winter 2015


EV charging station for electric car in concept of alternative green energy produced from sustainabl

I‘m planning to get a new car since my current leases car will be finished within a month.

I’ve started looking for a new car based on different factors.

First I don’t want to exceed my current budget, also I need to get some saving in gas budget.

In other words, I can accept to increase the bi-weekly budget by certain amount if I can save this amount from the gas budget.

Furthermore, based on the gas prices increase due to the new taxes on the fuel due to the climate change.

I narrow down my selection to either one of the below three options:

First option is a hybrid car which is include battery and depends only on the gas only.

The advantage of the hybrid is the fuel consumption compared with the same car with gas fuel only. The average of the hybrid car gas consumption is around to 5 to 7 L/100Km while the similar gas car fuel consumption is around 12 to 16 L/100kM. This is around 50% saving in the fuel cost per year.

Also this is suitable for the city trips which will minimise the average fuel consummation.

The disadvantage of the hybrid car is expansive by 10K compared to the similar to gas car.

The second option I’m looking for is plug-in Hybrid (PHEV). PHEV is mix between Gas and electrical battery with external plug-in electrical source from normal receptacle at home.

The range to drive only on the electrical charging is around 40 to 60 km/ day based on the electrical charging only without consumed any gas. Which is big advantage . you can save gas by 80 %. Also there is a government rebate for buying this car type.

The disadvantage of this type of car is expensive. It cost around 10 to 15 k extra money compared to the similar gas model. Also there is a long waiting list around one to two years to get this type of car.

The final option is pure electric car which depend only on the electrical charging and drive around 300 km to 900 km depends on the car and the model.

The disadvantage is you need to have a dedicated charging station around you or at your home. The charging time will take around 1 to 5 hours depend on the car model and type.

Also it is expensive compared with the normal gas car, around 20 k more than the gas.

I hope I described the cars options.