Winter 2015


Healthy lifestyle concept with diet and fitness

In my opinion, we have several essential things to have or do to live healthy.

First of all, we need a safe environment for a healthy life. This is the most basic thing. As we can see from a recent pandemic, a safe environment is extremely important from weather to novel viruses. We are experiencing now that there is no healthy life without safe surroundings.

Second, we have to sleep enough and have get quality sleep. When we do not sleep well, we feel tired. Also, it is hard to focus on working efficiently. Even more, we can be impulsive or depressed. Having a good sleep is one of the most important aspects of a healthy life.

Of course, eat a well-balanced diet for good nutrition for your health. Drinking water is also very important. It will keep you healthy and energized. Water makes your skin clean as well.

These are the most basic and essential things to live healthily. Above are all the things that not only humans but also animals need. On top we as humans require to focus on our emotions as well. For example, happiness which is a very important factor in leading a healthy life. To be happy, we have to have a dream. Although the dream is unclear and always changes, it gives you motivation and a reason to live, and the reason will make you live vibrantly. Therefore, we should do the things that make us excited and happy.

Humans are social animals, so we want to be connected with people and prove they are worthy among them. Connect with the people who are kind and have a positive attitude. Also, you need to be positive so that you will be surrounded by happy people.

So, if you follow the above tips, which are only few among many, we could be on the way toward living a healthier, happier life.