Winter 2015


Beautiful white moth orchid flower growing on a tree in closeup, popular flowers from asia, nature b

One of the most widespread plant species is the orchid. They live everywhere except Antarctica. People have found wide use of this plant, in addition to ornamental orchids, they are used in the production of medicines, cosmetics, psychotherapy, cooking and much more. Until the moment you start caring for your orchid, I recommend doing a Google search to determine the features of caring for it. There are three main types of orchids - epiphytes, lithophytes, and terrestrial. I will talk about epiphytes, about orchids that live on trees. Several vital conditions for caring for orchids should be addressed:


Light is measured in lux or foot-candles. I prefer LUX because it's easier to measure, you can download an app on your phone that can show you how much light your plant is getting. This is one of the most vital conditions for your plant. The process of photosynthesis is very important, and in some orchids, not only leaves, but also roots participate in photosynthesis, it is advisable to plant such an orchid in a transparent pot. From a lack of light, the orchid will not bloom and develop, it may start to diseases and die. Plants will get burned from excess light, which will also lead to diseases and death. The length of the daylight hours is also very important. In winter, you will most likely need additional lighting to extend the number of daylight hours for the plant.


Since orchids live almost everywhere, the temperature range is very wide. Usually orchids are divided into 3 types - Warm 25-33C days and 18-22C nights, Intermediate 22-27C days and 12-18C nights and Cool 15-21C days and 10-12C nights. As a rule, the difference between day and night temperatures, as well as summer and winter, is very important.


You must have noticed that in winter our skin is drier than in summer, as well as orchids that fall into a dry climate do not feel comfortable. The average humidity percentage comfortable for most orchid hybrids sold from garden centers ranges from 40-70% humidity.


This is a very tricky condition. Read the information about watering your orchid, as some plants prefer a constantly moist substrate, some prefer watering with the substrate completely dry, some need a small amount of water. From excess water, the roots will begin to rot, and from a lack of water, the plant will dry. Usually there is a period of growth and a dormant period for orchids, watering either increases or decreases (sometimes not watered at all during the dormant period).


The orchid is sensitive to the amount of micro and macro elements in the water. If the roots have fine hairs or are just very thin, then it is recommended to fertilize with very small doses of 80-120 ppm. If the roots are thick enough and they have a good layer of velomen, then you can increase the dose of fertilizer. Never put ice cubes in orchid pots, this can kill them (there is no ice in the tropics, and such a sharp cooling can cause rot and various fungal diseases).

Despite the general recommendations, watch your orchid and select the conditions of care that are right for her.

P.S. Do you know that vanilla is an orchid?