Winter 2015



In the north of China like to eat dumplings in the festival days, such as Chinese New Year, the Mid-Autumn Festival, but today dumpling is a normal food to appear on the dining table.

Now let’s prepare the Ingredients: ground meat (beef or pork), vegetables (onion, corn, carrot), small piece of ginger, salt, soy sauce, oil, sesame oil, dumpling skin

Step 1.  Put the ground meat in a bowl, add salt, soy sauce, oil, a little sesame oil and some water, then stir them together.

Step 2.  Chop vegetables and ginger

Step 3.  Add vegetables in the meat and mix them - now the dumpling filling is ready.

Step 4.  Take an appropriate amount of dumpling filling and put it on the dumpling skin, fold the dumpling skin in half to wrap the filling in the middle and knead the dumpling skin together.

Step 5.  Place the dumpling in boiling water three times the amount of the dumplings and cook for ten minutes. When all the dumplings are floating on the water, cook for two more minutes to get out.

Step 6.  Make some sauce like apple vinegar, soy sauce, sweet chili sauce or which kind of sauce you’d like. Eat dumplings with sauce.

Step 7.  If you like to eat fry dumpling you can put the boiled cold dumplings into a hot pan with oil. Be sure to put dumplings in, after the oil is hot. Turn the dumplings until they are yellow on both sides and control the time according to your taste

Add a note:

  • Buy the dumpling skin from Chinese grocery store
  • Be sure to knead the wrapper tightly, so the meat filling shouldn’t be exposed while boiling.
  • I like to put an appropriate amount of water in the meat because it tastes more delicious but you can't add too much water at once, you should add water while stirring.
  • Don't boil too long (time). If you can’t control the time , please add some cold water when the dumplings are floating.
  • Make sure to put the dumplings into boiling water
  • You can make more dumplings at once and freeze them.

I hope this recipe will help you to make dumplings successfully. Enjoy your delicious food!